Vertex Array Rande (nvdia) Problems!!

I´m trying to implement VAR in my game, but it´s quite a difficult task.
I have the following code:

  unsigned char *m_memory = 0;

  m_memory = (unsigned char*)wglAllocateMemoryNV(128*sizeof(float), 0, 0, .5f);

But it crashes!! Can anybody tell where my mistake is??
Even if I don´t copy any data in my “allocated” memory, my program crashes…:frowning:
Thanks in advance!

[This message has been edited by TheBlob (edited 05-27-2002).]

Did you retrieve a function pointer for wglAllocateMemoryNV using wglGetProcAddress?

Yes I did, but after I called wglAllocateMemoryNV !!!
Sorry to steal your time!