Texture Displaying Problem

I have created a texture loading class as well as a BSP class. The TGA function and the BSP class are both based off the ones at www.gametutorials.com . For Some reason when I render it using my code I get some of the textures displaying weird. I think it may have something to do with my TGA code but have a look at my screen shot compared to the gametutorial screen shot . Im not sure whats wrong here is my TGA code

unsigned long x;
unsigned long y;
unsigned short int bpp; //bits per pixels unsigned short int
BYTE* data; //the data of the image
unsigned long size; //length of the file
int channels; //the channels of the image 3 = RGA 4 = RGBA
GLuint type;

bool LoadTGA(char* FileName)
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
BYTE length; //the size must be BYTE
BYTE bits; //the bpp must be a BYTE
BYTE imagetype; //finds out the image type RLE RGB Alpha
int stride; //the stride(channels * width)
FILE* file = fopen(FileName, “rb”);

fprintf(stderr, “Error reading TGA file %s!!!”, FileName);
return false;

//read the length in BYTES
fread(&length, sizeof(BYTE), 1, file);

fseek(file, 1, SEEK_CUR);

//read in the data to find out what kina image it is
fread(&imagetype, sizeof(BYTE), 1, file);

fseek(file, 9, SEEK_CUR);

//read the width height and bits
fread(&width, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, file);
fread(&height, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, file);
fread(&bits, sizeof(BYTE), 1, file);

fseek(file, length + 1, SEEK_CUR);

if(imagetype == TGA_RGB | | imagetype == TGA_A)
if(bits == 24 | | bits == 32)
channels = bits / 8;
stride = channels * width;
data = new BYTE[stride * height];

  for(int i = 0;i<height;i++)
    unsigned char* line = &data[stride * i];

    fread(line, stride, 1, file);

    //for some reason TGA files store data as BGR not RGB this just converts it
    for(int j = 0;j<stride;j+=channels)
      int temp = line[i];
      line[i] = line[i + 2];
      line[i + 2] = temp;
}else if(bits == 16)
  //we just convert this to 24 bit
  unsigned short pixels = 0;
  int r, b, g;

  channels = 3;

  stride = channels * width;
  data = new BYTE[stride * height];

  for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++)
    //read the pixel
    fread(&pixels, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, file);

    b = (pixels & 0x1f) << 3;
    g = ((pixels >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3;
    r = ((pixels >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3;

    data[i * 3] = r;
    data[i * 3 + 1] = g;
    data[i * 3 + 2] = b;
  fprintf(stderr, "TGA must be 16 24 or 32 bits per pixel not %i: %s

", bits, FileName);
return false;
}else if(imagetype == TGA_RLE)
BYTE rleid;
int colorsread = 0;
channels = bits / 8;
stride = channels * width;

data = new BYTE[stride * height];
BYTE* colors = new BYTE[channels];

for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++)
  fread(&rleid, sizeof(BYTE), 1, file);

  if(rleid < 128)

      fread(colors, sizeof(BYTE) * channels, 1, file);
      data[colorsread] = colors[2];
      data[colorsread + 1] = colors[1];
      data[colorsread + 2] = colors[0];

      if(bits == 32)
        data[colorsread + 3] = colors[3];
      colorsread += channels;
    rleid -= 127;
    fread(colors, sizeof(BYTE) * channels, 1, file);

      data[colorsread] = colors[2];
      data[colorsread + 1] = colors[1];
      data[colorsread + 2] = colors[0];

      if(bits == 32)
        data[colorsread + 3] = colors[3];


fprintf(stderr, "TGA type not supported: %s
", FileName);
return false;


type = GL_RGB;

if(channels == 4)
type = GL_RGBA;

bpp = bits;
size = length;
x = width;
y = height;

return true;



Not really relevant to this forum but it looks to me like you leave a texture object bound when you render the “skybox”.

The Background/Skybox doesn’t have a texture (and in Q3A is normally rendered black rather than white).

Could I suggest that you ask your BSP/Q3 questions on a BSP/Q3 forum? Perhaps gametutorials has some forums?

Yes I realize that the skybox texture is missing what I was really conserined about is how much duller mine seemed compared to gametutorials and how that looked a little brighter then when it is rendered in Q3A . The TGA thing I was wondering if it was my code opening the TGA or if it was my code telling OGL how to load the data.

I’m sure someone on gametutorials (or more relevant forums) would point out that you’re not displaying the lightmaps.