Urgent: problem in picking

hey guys,

I have a problem in picking. I read the tutorials at lighthouse website and i did exactly what they had taught. Well heres my code :

My renderScene code :

GLvoid RenderScene()
	glLoadIdentity() ;
	gluLookAt(CameraObj.mPosition.x , CameraObj.mPosition.y , CameraObj.mPosition.z ,
		CameraObj.mView.x , CameraObj.mView.y , CameraObj.mView.z ,
		CameraObj.mUp.x , CameraObj.mUp.y , CameraObj.mUp.z) ;

	//Draw the x , y , z Axis and the grid initially.
	DrawAxis() ;
	Draw3DGrid() ;

	DrawGrid(GL_RENDER) ;	

	glScalef(0.030f , 0.030f , 0.030f) ;

	glRotatef(180.0 , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f) ;
	DrawObject() ;

	glFlush() ;

	glutSwapBuffers() ;

Heres my DrawGrid code. This is made of points which I must pick…

GLvoid DrawGrid(int mode)
	if(mode == GL_SELECT)
	int i , j ;
	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) ;
	glPointSize(6.0f) ;

	//Draw the line segments
	glColor3f(1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f) ;
	for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
		for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++)
			glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i][j][0] , ControlPoints[i][j][1] , ControlPoints[i][j][2]) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i + 1][j][0] , ControlPoints[i + 1][j][1] , ControlPoints[i + 1][j][2]) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i + 1][j + 1][0] , ControlPoints[i + 1][j + 1][1] , ControlPoints[i + 1][j + 1][2]) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i][j + 1][0] , ControlPoints[i][j + 1][1] , ControlPoints[i][j + 1][2]) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i][j][0] , ControlPoints[i][j][1] , ControlPoints[i][j][2]) ;
			glEnd() ; 


	//Draw the control vertices.
	glColor3f(0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f) ;
	int k = 1 ;
	for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
		if(mode == GL_SELECT)
			glPushName(i) ;

		for(j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++)
		  if(mode == GL_SELECT)
		    glBegin(GL_POINTS) ;
			glVertex3f(ControlPoints[i][j][0] , ControlPoints[i][j][1] , ControlPoints[i][j][2]) ;
			glEnd() ; 

			glPopName() ;
		glPopName() ;

	glLineWidth(1.0f) ;
	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) ;


and heres the code to initialize the selection mode:

GLvoid MouseFunc(int Button , int State , int x , int y)
	int Viewport[4] , Hits ;

	if(Button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && State == GLUT_DOWN)
		glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT , Viewport) ;
		glSelectBuffer(512 , ObjectList) ;
		glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) ;

		//Enter the projection mode, save the matrix and then load the identity.
		glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) ;
		glPushMatrix() ;

		glLoadIdentity() ;

		gluPickMatrix((GLdouble)x , (GLdouble)(Viewport[3] - y) , 4 , 4 , Viewport) ;
		glOrtho(-6.0f , 6.0f , -6.0f , 6.0f , -400.0f , 400.0f) ;
		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) ;

		DrawGrid(GL_SELECT) ;

		//After drawing , pop back the projection matrix and reset to the modelview matrix.
		glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) ;
		glPopMatrix() ;
		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) ;
		glFlush() ;

		Hits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) ;
		processHits(Hits , ObjectList) ;
		glutPostRedisplay() ;

I cant figure out whats wrong…everytime i click on a vertex i get that the no. of hits is zero.

Plz plz help me out…




And hey another thing is , I tried to debug it by not changing the viewing voluma after gluPickMatrix(), just to see what is being rendered. The particular vertex is being rendered within the scene but i have a doubt. I have kept my point size as 4 and my viewing volume also as 4 by 4. I see that even in a smaller viewing volume, the point size is the same as it were in a bigger viewing volume. Is this supposed to happen or shoudl the point fill up the entire space in the smaller viewing volume?

I still cant figure out why the vertices are not getting a hit record as they definitely fall within the smaller viewing volume…

Plz help.



Point size is a pixel grid thing. It doesn’t change with the viewport or projection size.
If you wanted that, you would need to use the point parameters or do your own point routine with billboarded quads.
Selection doesn’t care about point sizes, only the vertex position is interesting since it doesn’t rasterize in that mode.

Not sure why the selection doesn’t work, but you shouldn’t call glPopName if you’re not in selection mode, as your code doesn’t do glPushName then.

I normally used glLoadName with unique id per object instead of push and pop.

Add glGetError checks.

hi relic,

could you please tell me how to use glCheckError ?
How should i debug this code ?




You are aware that you’re asking this on the advanced forum?!
The command is glGetError. What can I say, read the manual.
While debugging, put it after commands which you think could fail.
Don’t put any glGet command inside glBegin-glEnd.

In your case glPopName wouldn’t raise an error since it does nothing when not in GL_SELECT mode, but for example if you call one too many, you get a GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW reported in glGetError.

relic, i am sorry to ask this question in this forum, but you see I’m sure you guys are expert at these and I am really in a dire situation…deadlines. And I did as you said, I used glGetError() and for all the functions i get a return of 0 , meaning there is no error. I also changed the push and popnames to glLoadNames and also put checked each time if it is in selection mode.

plz guys help me out. I tried you suggestion to debug it by not changing to the smaller viewing volume to the larger one and yes the vertices do come into the smaller viewing volume.


