Volumetric Fog , ..... again

I am very new to this forum, so first of all, HOWZIT EVERYBODY … !

I know that this has been looked at before, but to be honest, I still do not get the picture… What do I need to do to get volumetric fog renderer using the Q3 BSP ?

I know that each face has a fogNum, that shows to a fog entry in the lump… the fogData consists of a brush number, a visible side and a shader name…

I read in the previous topic what Rune had to say… I must admit that it sounds easier than what it is though…

Is there anyone out there that can lend me a hand on this please… I am dying to get this effect done in my code…

Rune, XBTC, anybody, Please…

Tanx in advance…

I am willing to kill for this … “hint hint”