Texture rectangle and floating point buffers

I am hopelessly trying to run floating points textures. I use the instruction
TEX R0,f[TEX0],TEX0, 2D;
in the fragment program, but the wrong texture is accessed if I specify GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV instead of TEXTURE_2D and\or if I replace GL_RGBA by GL_FLOAT_RGBA32 in teximage2d that is in the program below:

glActiveTextureARB	(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_textureID);

float text_32[16*16*4];
for (int i=0;i<16*16*4;i++)
	text_32[i]=0.3+(((float) (i%8))*0.1);

Texture not seems to be loaded in the wrong cases, but I can retrieve the textures using getteximage. I use a FX 5200GO

Did you change the texture target in the fragment program too? (from 2D to RECT)

Replace this:

TEX R0,f[TEX0],TEX0, 2D;

with this:

TEX R0, f[TEX0], TEX0, RECT;

when doing a texture fetch from a rectangle texture.

Thank you guys,
I am so stupid some times…
I knew that I did not understand very well how acts the tex instruction in the spec, but I did not thought it was that…
Thank a lot once again…