Stupid little det.4403 VBO bug


I have encountered a small bug. Calling glDeleteBuffersARB with count set to negative value crashes my app. I think other functions also are buggy, although I havent checked it.

Originally posted by MichaelK:

I have encountered a small bug. Calling glDeleteBuffersARB with count set to negative value crashes my app. I think other functions also are buggy, although I havent checked it.[/b]

why a negative count value ?? (I don’t know VBO yet, but that’s strange.)

That sounds more like a stupid little bug in your application.

It may very well be a “stupid little bug” in his application but calling glDeleteBuffersARB with a negative value shouldn’t cause a crash.

In the “Errors” section of the document:

it states:

INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <n> parameter of DeleteBuffersARB or GenBuffersARB is negative.

Originally posted by JotDot:
[b]It may very well be a “stupid little bug” in his application but calling glDeleteBuffersARB with a negative value shouldn’t cause a crash.

In the “Errors” section of the document:

it states:

INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <n> parameter of DeleteBuffersARB or GenBuffersARB is negative.[/b]

I agree. Have you reported to the vendor? I also reported a bug some time ago. They fixed it but I am still waiting the new driver release (so the bug is still there). Maybe if we pile up enough bugs they will release a new driver!

What happened to nv driver engineers? Doh, forgot that.

I dont know how I can submit bugs to nvidia. Some time ago I have encountered another bug with cube textures. The sequence was sth like:

glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
glTexImage2D (the internal format is GL_RGBA);
glEnable (GL_CUBE_MAP);
// drawing code
glDisable (GL_CUBE_MAP);

At this point the 2D texture just disappeared.
I dont know if this bug was tracked down. by this time.

cheers and rest in peace



And this was hapening only when the 2D texture was GL_RGBA (with GL_RGB everything was ok).

[This message has been edited by MichaelK (edited 06-25-2003).]

AFAIK, cubemap lookup is performed everytime you have your cubemap enabled & all 1/2D textures are skipped, there should be no difference, wheter its RGBA/BGRA/ABGR or whatever. But if you call glDisable(C_M), then all texturing operations are back to 1/2D (active texture). Of course, when you have custom FP you can forget about that.

So this is a bug. Itl be the best that I check this bug again with the latest (4403) drivers.

If you want to do a bug report, the first thing they will ask you is a simple GLUT-based program.

If this confirms your supposition then post it to them.
Now, I don’t want to give you the email address you have to send everything for security reasons (providing this kind of information on public forums is not safe in those days) but you CAN figure it out as I already did.
If you need a hint, ask it when the GLUT based program confirms your bug.

EDIT: the ‘v’ in VBO actually fooled me. Is this happening on a NV based card (as the specification url suggests)?

[This message has been edited by Obli (edited 06-25-2003).]

If you have an app that reproduces this problem with the latest public drivers, please send it to me and I will file a bug report so that it gets fixed in a future driver release.