OpenGL and DirectX

Yes… I am using OpenGL for the 3D Rending because I hate DirectX (Not that I hate how it works the coding is weird so many things that could be done with out and the language could do on its own and long hard to remember commands ect…).
That though leaves me with a problem that I new about but did nothing about…

The audio and input…

OpenGL dose not do that… And I want to stay away from DirectX (At lest for now until i get my programmed and done than I might add DirectX support)

Now I know there are take offs from OpenGL that are made to work with OpenGL for Input and Audio ect…

I just don’t know what is best or what to stay away from ect…

This is for games so it needs to be fast and it cant miss a input like C++ would do… If you know of or have used some please tell me your toughs on them…


P.S. I also liked that OpenGL works on all platforms and I want the Audio and Input language to do the same…

Thanks Again.

P.S.S. Do you know of a DirectX type thing for UNIX? or LUNIX? Or any of the remakes of UNIX?

Thanks Again Again.

I posted in a different topic on this forum but I was tired and posted it on a topic that dose not go with this… I am not trying to Cross post I just need to… I’m sorry.

Try fmod or bass sound libraries. they’re cross platform and pretty good, they both support multiple audio formats.

OK… I will check them out… What about the input system?


SDL: it handles the window creation (which OGL does not), the inputs, and 2D sound.

For 3D sound, you might be interested by OpenAL - which, as the name implys, has a OGL-like interface

Try Simple DirectMedia Layer at It is cross-platform for sound, input, and 2d-graphics and it works well with OpenGL.

Also for 3d-sound check out openal at

Happy coding…

(oops 4 minutes too late hehe)

[This message has been edited by azcoder (edited 09-20-2003).]

I don’t want to use SDL… I just never liked it for some reson… I will might just use DirectX I’m not sure… Thanks the the OpenAl…


Maybe I will use SDL… Thanks every…

Well C++ runs of all the OS SDL runs on right (I don’t code for Macs or anything so I don’t really know)

I need to have it work on all OS because there will be a virtual machine…


SDL dose not provide Network support… Well it can with the SDL_net but It is not the best in the networking… It is just a chat box…

I need to have a networking for games… I would like 100% support to networking on all the systems SDL supports… Is there any package that works with C++/OpenGL/SDL that will allow networking…


Originally posted by tfpsly:
For 3D sound, you might be interested by OpenAL - which, as the name implys, has a OGL-like interface

Is OpenAL maintained at all?
Last time I checked, the website hadn’t evolved during 2 years
Does Creative offer it to other manufacturers, like SGI did for OpenGL? As long as it’s a layer on top of an obsolete version of DirectSound, it won’t be used as widely as it deserves to be.


Originally posted by deepmind:
[b] Is OpenAL maintained at all?
Last time I checked, the website hadn’t evolved during 2 years
Does Creative offer it to other manufacturers, like SGI did for OpenGL? As long as it’s a layer on top of an obsolete version of DirectSound, it won’t be used as widely as it deserves to be.



Yes. It is currently maintained. If you check again you can see that the website was updated last august. Also, if you check the mailing lists you can see a message that says that ‘soon’ there will be an update to the web with more info about current extensions, etc.
Default OpenAL implementation in Windows (for all cards) is a layer over DirectSound but AFAIK, NVIDA and Creative have a native OpenAL implementation for their hw.
Also, there will be ‘real soon’ a method to ‘enumerate’ and select the different implementations available (so the user can select sw mode if he has any problem with the hw implementation)

Hope this helps.

Edit: It seems that a small page about the extensions what added a couple of days ago.

[This message has been edited by Cab (edited 09-21-2003).]

AFAIK SDL_net supports all standard functionality you get from unix sockets or winsock. It is not just a chat box, you can use it to create TCP connections and for sending UDP packets, and you can do hostname resolution with it.

In short, you can do anything you would expect from a network library, or am I missing something?

Ok When I have more time I will go look at it…
