OpenGL future on Windows

Hello everyone,

I heard bad news that Microsoft has quit the ARB. This may have several implications:

Many IHVs will be less interested in making ICDs

IHVs will design their cards with Direct3D in mind

OpenGL drivers will be implemeted as Direct3D wrappers

or at least we should no longer expect opengl32.lib supporting versions other than 1.1, and we have to stick to ARB extensions, or switch to Direct3D.

Isn’t this not-new news? I mean, for as long as I remember MS has “tried” not to support OpenGL. That’s why we need to manually load extentions with wglGetProcAddress() correct?
If MS had it’s way OpenGL would be so dead by now.

As far as I know MS can’t stop driver manufacturers from supporting OpenGL, and I doubt they would all suddenly stop supporting it just because MS dropped off the ARB…