High Precision Textures

How does one make use of 32-bit floating point textures as p-buffers, etc… in OpenGL. I have tried to find documentation with little luck. Any links or pointers are much appreciated

Depends on your hardware. [WGL_,GL_]NV_float_buffer and ATI_float_texture/WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float are the extensions that provide floating point texture support on the GeForceFX and Radeon 9500/9700.

The NV extensions have specs at http://developer.nvidia.com

The ATI extensions don’t have any specs ATM, but the glATI.h file (at http://www.ati.com/developer ) has all the entry points and enums for the extensions, and they aren’t that hard to figure out.

[This message has been edited by NitroGL (edited 12-26-2002).]

[This message has been edited by NitroGL (edited 12-26-2002).]

For floating point color formats you will need a Radeon 9700 or GeForce FX. At least to do this in hardware. For the nvidia hardware, there is the extensions GL_NV_float_buffer and GL_NV_half_float. I’m not sure with ATI. I’m sure they have similar extensions, I havn’t checked yet. You might be able to run these extensions in software but don’t expect good performance.


Ah hah, NitroGL posted when I was typing. Anyway, he gave you all the info needed for this.
