modulation with pixel/vertex/texture shading


I am using vertex programs, register combiners, and texture shaders in a multi pass rendering algorithm.

For the very last pass, I would like to do a simple modulation between a texture and the result from the previous rendering passes.

A simple modulation setup doesnt work. i.e,


Regardless of the last parameter of the glTexEnvi function, the texture is always ADDED to the previous fragment.

Given the info above, could anyone point out how to modulate between a texture and the result of multiple passes?


Use blending ( glBlendFunc ) for combining multiple passes:

glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glBlendFunc( GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO );


glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glBlendFunc( GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR );

assuming you’ve stored the previous pass in the RGB portion of the framebuffer. With all those fancy NVIDIA extension you’re using, I thought you would have known about blending ( unless I misunderstood your question ).

>>> With all those fancy NVIDIA extension >>> you’re using, I thought you would have >>> known about blending ( unless I
>>> misunderstood your question ).

you would think…
