Drape a bitmap on a surface

Need to drape a bitmap on a height surface composed of points. Any ideas for opengl functions available, links …
(The bitmap is a scanned map that I want draped on a height surface).

Thanks Jakob

As far as I know you can’t just ‘drape’ a texture over something. A texture isn’t a table cloth. The only way you’re going to be able to texture your surface is to tesselate it into triangles and do texture mapping of some sort.


Maybe glTexGen is what you need.

If your height map uses z for height and x and y are in the intervals [0, w] and [0, h], respectively, then this code would generate texture coordinates for your height map:

glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D) ;
glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, bitmapTex) ;

float w = … ;
float h = … ;

glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S) ;
glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T) ;


float splane[4] = { 1.0f/w, 0, 0, 0 } ;
float tplane[4] = { 0, 1.0f/h, 0, 0 } ;
glTexGenfv (GL_S, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, splane) ;
glTexGenfv (GL_T, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, tplane) ;

// Draw your height field here. I use a single quad.
glBegin (GL_QUADS) ;
glVertex3f (0, 0, 0) ;
glVertex3f (w, 0, 0) ;
glVertex3f (w, h, 0) ;
glVertex3f (0, h, 0) ;
glEnd() ;
