surface.c from the Redbook + Geforce3 problem...


Here is my problem :

surface.c is a little program which shade a NURBS surface made from a 4x4 grid of control points…

  • Surface.c from the redbook is compiling fine and run well on a computer with a Geforce3
  • Surface.c from the redbook is compiling fine and run well on a computer with an other video card

now, surface.c will not shade a NURBS surface 4x4 but 16x16 :

  • Surface.c from the redbook is compiling fine and shade nothing on a computer with a Geforce3
  • Surface.c from the redbook is compiling fine and run well on a computer with an other video card

Have you got an idea? or perhaps you had the same problem…

If you have a geforce3, can you try it?

I’m lost…

Thank you very much.

I am currently developping a modeller for my final year and if I can’t use a grid of control points bigger than 4x4 I don’t think it will be a good modeller…


I suspect that the app is not checking the max eval order.

  • Matt

Originally posted by mcraighead:
[b]I suspect that the app is not checking the max eval order.

  • Matt[/b]

hum…sorry but i don’t understand…can you say more about that?
Thank you very much

Implementations can choose what order they support as the maximum for evaluators. The OpenGL spec requires that this maximum order be at least 8. You can query this value with glGet.

Make sure to check for GL errors.

  • Matt

Thanks, i’ll see what i can do with that…
I was looking for an answer for so long…