DShow video to opengl textures

I am trying to implement video textures. I started to convert the texture3d sample from DShow (platformSDK) to OpenGL and I was wondering…

Is there a way I can get a pointer to the texture data in order to copy the video frames there directly ?
(that’s what the code in D3D seem to be doing).

If there is a faster way than the one shown in the texture3D example then please do let me know! :slight_smile:

Have you considered to use a 100% portable and open source alternative like the Xiph Theora video?


I think is very good, free, C-based portable and open source and tons of encoding/decoding applications and codecs available.

To see a video for windows + opengl example you can see this link:


Hope it helps

Thanks santyhammer but I have already seen the Nehe tutorial, it’s obsolete and very slow. DirectShow is much faster

part of what I am (not) looking for, I found it here:

It seems there is no way to get a direct pointer to the texture data. Thats a shame, because the video gets decoded somewhere, (gets copied to system memory ?) , gets copied to a PBO , and then to the actual texture buffer (glTExSubImage2D).

Thats 4 times of blitting a buffer instead of 1 or 2.

I think OpenML is suppose to be a DirectShow replacement. I’ve never used it.

Mmmmm… OpenML looks pretty sweet…

  1. Create decoding graph and insert your dshow texture renderer filter which accept rgb or rgba pixelformats
  2. In SetMediaType inspect VIDEOINFOHEADER and get video resolution.
  3. Create 2 PBO’s with video resolution framesize. Create texture too.
  4. Lock 1st PBO (glMapBuffer) and pass pointer to dshow texture renderer. DO NOT UNLOCK NOW!!!
  5. Run graph (using IMediaControl::Run)
  6. When DoRenderSample occure copy uncompressed frame in PBO memory using pointer in step 4. and notify main render thread that new frame has arrive
  7. In main render thread, during update check for new frame notification and unlock PBO buffer, then lock 2nd buffer and pass it to dshow tex renderer. Then you can upload texture using glTexSubImage2D call from 1st PBO. This is a simple double-buffering.
  8. On single core CPU add some Sleep in main render thread to leave CPU power to directshow decoding graph. Otherwise, playback might be jerky.
  9. Add crittical section object to controll access no PBO pointer in dshow tex renderer to avoid potential crash while main thread change pointer in middle of copying in DoRenderSample.
  10. Try to use some fast memcopy functions to improve performances.


thanx yooyo,
That sounds really good. I’ll see what I can do :]

The graph and filter are created succesfully, and i can hear sound playing, but I dont see anything rendered, I dont even see misaligned video, just a black texture. I am suspecting my PBO code, can you see anything wrong?

PBO class

void	CPBO::init(	int sx, int sy, int pixbytes, 
					GLenum pixformat, GLenum  pixtype , 
					GLenum usage )
	glGenBuffers(1, &m_pboID);
	m_sx = sx;		m_sy = sy;		
	m_pixbytes = pixbytes;		m_pixtype = pixtype;	m_pixformat = pixformat;
	m_usage = usage;

	glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, sx*sy*pixbytes, NULL, usage);

void*	CPBO::LockGetPointer()
	void* memio = glMapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
	return memio;

void	CPBO::Unlock( )

void	CPBO::Upload( )
	glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, 0, 0, m_sx, m_sy, 
					m_pixformat, m_pixtype, BUFFER_OFFSET(0));


Render sample code

HRESULT CTextureRenderer::DoRenderSample( IMediaSample * pSample )
	// wait for main thread to consume previous sample
	while(m_bSampleReady)	Sleep(10);	
	if (!m_pTxtBuffer)		{ return S_OK; AppendFile("debug.txt","no texture buffer for DoRenderSample()

    BYTE  *pBmpBuffer, *pTxtBuffer; // Bitmap buffer, texture buffer
    LONG  lTxtPitch;                // Pitch of bitmap, texture

    BYTE  * pbS = NULL;
    DWORD * pdwS = NULL;
    DWORD * pdwD = NULL;
    UINT row, col, dwordWidth;
//    CheckPointer(m_pTexture,E_UNEXPECTED);

    // Get the video bitmap buffer
    pSample->GetPointer( &pBmpBuffer );

    pTxtBuffer = m_pTxtBuffer;
    // Copy the bits    

    if (m_TextureFormat == GL_BGR)
 		memcpy(pBmpBuffer, pTxtBuffer, m_lVidWidth*m_lVidHeight*3);

    if (m_TextureFormat == GL_BGRA)
		memcpy(pBmpBuffer, pTxtBuffer, m_lVidWidth*m_lVidHeight*4);


   	m_bSampleReady = true;

    return S_OK;


swap active PBO in main thread code

	// swap buffers if needed
	if (m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady)
		// unlock previous pbo
		// get pointer to empty buf and clear sample flag
		m_VideoRenderer->m_pTxtBuffer = (BYTE*) m_PBO[m_PBO_render_idx].LockGetPointer();
		m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady = false;

		// upload texture to videocard
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, m_texid);

		// safe swap ?
		if (m_PBO_upload_idx)		{ m_PBO_upload_idx=0; m_PBO_render_idx=1; }
		else						{ m_PBO_upload_idx=1; m_PBO_render_idx=0; }

render quad

	// draw video o quad
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,  gVidTex.m_texid);
	DrawTexQuad(0,0,gVidTex.m_VideoRenderer->m_lVidWidth, gVidTex.m_VideoRenderer->m_lVidHeight,


ok, I had a mistake here:
memcpy(pBmpBuffer, pTxtBuffer, m_lVidWidthm_lVidHeight4);
It should have been copied the other way around:
memcpy(pTxtBuffer, pBmpBuffer, m_lVidWidthm_lVidHeight4);

I also tried memset(pTexBuffer, 128, m_lVidWidthm_lVidHeight4);

and no color is uploaded to the texture . . so it must be my PBO uploadin code

Code look fine (but it lack of safe access from different thread). Remove Sleep calls from DoRenderSample… Add Sleep before SwapBuffers.

Check for GL errors. Check is filter connected… check did you create proper texture (glTexImage2D call), use GL_BGR or GL_BGRA texture format. In some cases decoder deliver 0 in Alpha channel (in DoRenderSample) and such texture become unusable for blending.

Im using same approach in my code and it works. Could you post test app and I’ll take look?

I have a sleep(0) in the main thread as well. Although I dont use a critical section, I have
HRESULT CTextureRenderer::DoRenderSample( IMediaSample * pSample )
// wait for main thread to consume previous sample
while(m_bSampleReady) Sleep(10);

and in main thread:
if (m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady)
// unlock previous pbo

m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady = false;
which work fine for the synchronization
the format of the texture is the same as the pbo (BGRA with my sample .avi) … i dont use blending, i dont care about blending for now.

I will check for errors and post a sample app


I think I found bug. You Unlock current PBO and lock it immediatly after that. Code should be:

// swap buffers if needed
if (m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady)
  // unlock previous pbo

  int prevPBO_idx = m_PBO_upload_idx;

  // safe swap ?
  if (m_PBO_upload_idx)	{ m_PBO_upload_idx=0; m_PBO_render_idx=1; }
  else			{ m_PBO_upload_idx=1; m_PBO_render_idx=0; }

  // get pointer to empty buf and clear sample flag
  m_VideoRenderer->m_pTxtBuffer = (BYTE*) m_PBO[m_PBO_render_idx].LockGetPointer();
  m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady = false;

  // upload texture to videocard
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, m_texid);

Sleep call in DoRenderSample might affect DirectShow timings. Result is probably jerky playback or video and audio is out of sync.

Thats not it,
I unlock upload_idx and I lock render_idx

here is a sample application:

You forget to enable rect texture before draw.

and change CPBO::Upload

void	CPBO::Upload( )
	glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0, 0, 0, m_sx, m_sy, 
					m_pixformat, m_pixtype, BUFFER_OFFSET(0));

Ok , I got it working, But I dont know what I fixed…

probably something trivial like enabling a state or something…

it still plays a bit jerky , probably because of the sleep() thingy. . . but other than that it seems to be working

thanks yooyo,
excelent teaching :slight_smile:

yes . . now I saw your answer … thnx :]

You still need to add correct syncing code. Best way is to lock access to m_VideoRenderer->m_pTxtBuffer with critical sections (EnterCriticalSection at beginning of DoRenderSample and LeaveCriticalSection at funcion end).
Also… using same critical section object guard

m_VideoRenderer->m_pTxtBuffer = (BYTE*) m_PBO[m_PBO_render_idx].LockGetPointer();
m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady = false;

About jerky playback… I remove Sleep stuff from DoRenderSample and add Sleep(1) after SwapBuffers call. If you turn on vertical sync you don’t need Sleep because SwapBuffer will wait for vsync and it will release CPU for other tasks (like decoding video).

Ok it works like a charm :slight_smile:

here’s the changes

	// swap buffers if needed
	if (m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady)
			// unlock previous pbo
			// get pointer to empty buf and clear sample flag
			m_VideoRenderer->m_pTxtBuffer = (BYTE*) m_PBO[m_PBO_render_idx].LockGetPointer();
			m_VideoRenderer->m_bSampleReady = false;

		// upload texture to videocard
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, m_texid);

		// swapped pbo's so swap idxs too
		if (m_PBO_upload_idx)		{ m_PBO_upload_idx=0; m_PBO_render_idx=1; }
		else						{ m_PBO_upload_idx=1; m_PBO_render_idx=0; }


HRESULT CTextureRenderer::DoRenderSample( IMediaSample * pSample )
	// wait for main thread to consume previous sample
	while(m_bSampleReady)	Sleep(0);	

   	m_bSampleReady = true;

    return S_OK;

notice that it can also happen that a sample is not consumed by the main thread and DoRenderSample() has to wait for the pbo’s to be swapped . . e.g. when the window is moved or when the main thread is delayed