test my ActiveX component

Hi all!
I’m not sure that my ActiveX OpenGL component works on other computers.
Please test it - just go to http://burstware.netfirms.com/ind3d.html .
It’ll ask to install ActiveX component. If all will be OK you’ll see textured button on bevel. If it will be almost OK you’ll see yellow square(cube).

This component is a part of Indirect3D open project( http://www.geocities.com/udodenko/ind3d.html , this page is out-of-date - we did many things since last update). I still ask if anyone wants to join this project to write
new Indirect3D components.

worked for me (win98se, IE 5, P3 800mhz)

Yepp, works here aswell. Win2k and IE 5.
