OpenGL community forum + Console tutorial

hi, i opened a new forum @
you can directly reach it @ (if the site-server is down)

i’d like to have a big community in my forums, so that OpenGL coders can help each other. So if you like the Forum please sign up

You can find the Tutorial about writing a Game Console in the Turorials section of the forum… say me what you think about

Can you explain to me why I should join your forum instead of staying here?
There must be somethings your forum is specific, such as more specific topics. However, I didn’t quite get it from your post.

well, i never said you have to join my forum. I just want to build up a little bit closer community.

privilegues of my forum:

  • attachments (up to 4 MB)
  • code formatting
  • image links
  • private messages
  • nice tutorials (ggg)

i’m very sorry if it sounds a little bit strong in my first post - take it easy

[This message has been edited by MofuX (edited 11-04-2002).]