makin a part of the scene static

is there any way i can keep my compass in a scene at a raster position rather than the world co-ords. what i mean is i have a scene into which i move around. i also have a compass at the top right corner which i want to be fixed there. is there any other way other than using a raster image. i also want some text to be displayed around the compass. i am currently using outline fonts and it is not possible to keep it fixed either. plz help
thank u

Setup an ortho-mode and render your stuff like a 2D overlay.


Originally posted by Jan2000:
[b]Setup an ortho-mode and render your stuff like a 2D overlay.


could u please elaborate on that. i have a perspective mode set right now. i dont want to use another viewport (cause im not sure if 2 viewports can be overlayed).