If any ideas -> just add 2 code, thx

The question follows:
how to interpolate n1, n2, n3, n4 in order 2 get phong shaded object (bilinear interpolation)?
(didn’t find anything on Google, Altavista, MSN, …)

GLfloat Color[3];

GLfloat ambientLight[] = {0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f};
GLfloat diffuseLight[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
GLfloat specular[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
GLfloat lightPos[] = {50.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f};

float sinus[365];
float cosinus[365];

void CalcTable(void)
int i;

for(i=0; i<365; i++)
sinus[i] = sinf((float)iPI2/365.0f);
cosinus[i] = cosf((float)i

void Rotation(int ax, int ay, int az, float v[3], float rot_v[3])
const int x = 0;
const int y = 1;
const int z = 2;

rot_v[y] = v[y]*cosinus[ax] - v[z]*sinus[ax]; //x
rot_v[z] = v[z]*cosinus[ax] + v[y]*sinus[ax];

// rot_v[z] = rot_v[z]*cosinus[ay] - v[x]*sinus[ay]; //y
// rot_v[x] = v[x]*cosinus[ay] + rot_v[x]*sinus[ay];

// rot_v[x] = rot_v[x]*cosinus[az] - rot_v[y]*sinus[az]; //z
// rot_v[y] = rot_v[y]*cosinus[az] - rot_v[x]*sinus[az];

void ReduceToUnit(float vector[3])
float length;

length = (float)sqrt((vector[0]*vector[0]) +
(vector[1]*vector[1]) +
if(length == 0.0f)
length = 1.0f;

vector[0] /= length;
vector[1] /= length;
vector[2] /= length;

void CalcCross(float v1[3], float v2[3], float n[3])
const int x = 0;
const int y = 1;
const int z = 2;

n[x] = v1[y]*v2[z] - v1[z]*v2[y];
n[y] = v1[z]*v2[x] - v1[x]*v2[z];
n[z] = v1[x]*v2[y] - v1[y]*v2[x];


void CalcLight(float normal[3])
static int R = 0;
static int G = 1;
static int B = 2;
static int A = 3;

GLfloat Iambient[4], Idiffuse[4], Ispecular[4];
float ka[3], kd[3], ks[3];
float l[3];
float l_cross_n;
float b = 10.0f;

ka[R] = 1.0f;
ka[G] = 0.0f;
ka[b] = 1.0f;

kd[R] = 1.0f;
kd[G] = 0.0f;
kd[b] = 1.0f;

ks[R] = 0.8f;
ks[G] = 0.8f;
ks[b] = 0.8f;

l[0] = lightPos[0];
l[1] = lightPos[1];
l[2] = lightPos[2];

Rotation(angle, 0, 0, normal, normal);


l_cross_n = (normal[0]*l[0] + normal[1]*l[1] + normal[2]*l[2]);

Iambient[R] = ambientLight[R]*ka[R];
Iambient[G] = ambientLight[G]*ka[G];
Iambient[b] = ambientLight[b]*ka[b];
Iambient[A] = ambientLight[A];

Idiffuse[R] = diffuseLight[R]*kd[R]*l_cross_n;
Idiffuse[G] = diffuseLight[G]*kd[G]*l_cross_n;
Idiffuse[b] = diffuseLight[b]*kd[b]*l_cross_n;
Idiffuse[A] = diffuseLight[A];

Ispecular[R] = specular[R]ks[R](float)pow(l_cross_n, b);
Ispecular[G] = specular[G]ks[G](float)pow(l_cross_n, b);
Ispecular[b] = specular[b]ks[b](float)pow(l_cross_n, b);
Ispecular[A] = specular[A];

Color[R] = Iambient[R] + Idiffuse[R] + Ispecular[R];
Color[G] = Iambient[G] + Idiffuse[G] + Ispecular[G];
Color[b] = Iambient[b] + Idiffuse[b] + Ispecular[b];
Color[A] = Iambient[A] + Idiffuse[A] + Ispecular[A];

glColor4f(Color[R], Color[G], Color[b], Color[A]);

void QuadNormal(float A[3], float B[3], float C[3], float D[3])
const int x = 0;
const int y = 1;
const int z = 2;

float vad[3], vab[3], n1[3];
float vbc[3], vba[3], n2[3];
float vcb[3], vcd[3], n3[3];
float vdc[3], vda[3], n4[3];

vad[x] = D[x] - A[x];
vad[y] = D[y] - A[y];
vad[z] = D[z] - A[z];

vab[x] = B[x] - A[x];
vab[y] = B[y] - A[y];
vab[z] = B[z] - A[z];

CalcCross(vad, vab, n1); // right up

vbc[x] = C[x] - B[x];
vbc[y] = C[y] - B[y];
vbc[z] = C[z] - B[z];

vba[x] = -vab[x];
vba[y] = -vab[y];
vba[z] = -vab[z];

CalcCross(vbc, vba, n2); // right down

vcb[x] = -vbc[x];
vcb[y] = -vbc[y];
vcb[z] = -vbc[z];

vcd[x] = D[x] - C[x];
vcd[y] = D[y] - C[y];
vcd[z] = D[z] - C[z];

CalcCross(vcb, vcd, n3); // left down

vdc[x] = -vcd[x];
vdc[y] = -vcd[y];
vdc[z] = -vcd[z];

vda[x] = -vad[x];
vda[y] = -vad[y];
vda[z] = -vad[z];

CalcCross(vdc, vda, n4); // left up

Phong crazy Tenson :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure what u are asking for … if you need a 3D bilinear interp functions here is a snip …

/** Interpolate the dependent axis value of a point.
@param xSw X coordinate of south-western point.
@param ySw Y coordinate of south-western point.
@param zSw Z coordinate of south-western point.
@param xSe X coordinate of south-eastern point.
@param ySe Y coordinate of south-eastern point.
@param zSe Z coordinate of south-eastern point.
@param xNw X coordinate of north-western point.
@param yNw Y coordinate of north-western point.
@param zNw Z coordinate of north-western point.
@param xNe X coordinate of north-eastern point.
@param yNe Y coordinate of north-eastern point.
@param zNe Z coordinate of north-eastern point.
@param x X coordinate of point in question.
@param y Y coordinate of point in question.
double BilinearInterpolate(
double xSw, double ySw, double zSw,
double xSe, double ySe, double zSe,
double xNw, double yNw, double zNw,
double xNe, double yNe, double zNe,
double x, double y
) const
double delX = (x - xSw) / (xSe - xSw);
double delY = (y - ySw) / (ySe - ySw);

double delX1 = 1.0 - delX;
double delY1 = 1.0 - delY;
delY1delX1zSw + delYdelX1zSe +
delY* delX zNe + delY1 delX*zNw;

The original Phong paper talks about this, too. Nothing like going back to the source of a technique if you’re un-sure :slight_smile: