Selection mode and Stencil buffer

Hi, the opengl manual says that “in selection mode, no fragments are rendered into the framebuffer”.
What does “rendered” mean :

  1. The polygon is rasterized into fragments, per-fragment tests are done (as usual), but no pixels are commited to the (color) framebuffer ?
  2. The polygon is not rasterized at all, no fragments are generated and nothing is written into the framebuffer.

The reason I am asking all this is that I want to be able to select polygons inside a bitmap region (using the Stencil buffer). Does anybody have any ideas?

If (1) is true, then is it hardware-accelerated, or is it just a trick the software layer (OpenGL), above the 3d-hardware driver, does with the stencil buffer to find which polys are actually written?

Thanks in advance…

(2) is true.
2. The polygon is not rasterized at all, no fragments are generated and nothing is written into the framebuffer.
