DestroyWindow makes DDERR_SURFACELOST

When I call destroy window in my code I get this in the output debug window:

WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST

WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST

WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST

WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST

I’m pretty sure that I’m deconstructing everything correctly.

Does anyone have any idea’s? I’m most certainly not calling any DDRAW code.