Urgent dll glut32.dll

Hello all!!

I have a trouble with a dll.
I create a program that works in my computer… the problem is that when i want to run the program in another computer i can’t… there is a dll missing… glut32.dll

The problem is : i have to give to my teacher my program, and he doesn’t want to install the glut32.dll in his computer…

How can i do to make my program executable in others computer without each time load glut32.dll

Please help me…
Thank you

Just include your glut32.dll in the same directory as your executable when you turn it in.

Your dll is probably located in either C:\Windows\System32 or C:\WINNT\System32.

– Zeno

Or try converting glut to a static lib using “DLL to LIB” which you can get from: http://www.binary-soft.com/dll2lib/dll2lib.htm