wglUseFontOutlines Error

The following call fails at wglUseFontOutlines. The @ERR (WIN32 GetLastError())reveals 0x8 which is <Not enough storage is available to process this command.> GetNewDisplayListIDs suceeds.
This is using a Matrox 400 with 0.5 GBytes RAM. <This is a modification of Fosner’s working code.>
Any ideas?

GLuint TGSS_OpenGL::GenerateDisplayListForFont( char* fontname, double xt )
const unsigned int nf = 0xff;
GLuint id=0xffffffff;
DWORD err = GetLastError();

if ( 0        ==  globalHDC | |
     0        ==  fontname  | | 
    (GLuint)0 == (id = GetNewDisplayListIDs(nf)) )
    return 0;

LOGFONT     logfont;

// lfHeight can't be used to change the font size
logfont.lfHeight		= -12; // use glScale to change size
logfont.lfWidth			= 0;
logfont.lfEscapement	= 0;
logfont.lfOrientation	= logfont.lfEscapement;
logfont.lfWeight		= FW_NORMAL;
logfont.lfItalic		= FALSE;
logfont.lfUnderline		= FALSE;
logfont.lfStrikeOut		= FALSE;
logfont.lfCharSet		= ANSI_CHARSET;
logfont.lfOutPrecision	= OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
logfont.lfClipPrecision	= CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
logfont.lfQuality		= DEFAULT_QUALITY;
logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE|DEFAULT_PITCH;
lstrcpy ( logfont.lfFaceName, "Arial" );

HFONT newfont;

                ::CreateFontIndirect( &logfont );
/*oldfont =*/	::SelectObject(globalHDC, &newfont );
//	ASSERT( 0 != oldfont );
err = GetLastError();

if (	0 != err | |
    FALSE == ::wglUseFontOutlines( globalHDC, 0, nf, id, 0.0f,
    (float)xt, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS,  gmf) )
    err = GetLastError();
    ::glDeleteLists( id, nf );
    id  = 0xdddddddd;
    ::SelectObject(globalHDC,::GetStockObject( SYSTEM_FONT ));
return id;

GLuint TGSS_OpenGL::GetNewDisplayListIDs( GLsizei range )
ASSERT( 0 < range );

return ::glGenLists( range );


[This message has been edited by iss (edited 05-18-2001).]