building projection matrix from viewWidth, viewHeight, nearClip and farClip

I’m trying to define a perspective matrix when only using viewWidth, viewHeight, nearClip and farClip. I don’t know if it is correct, since I cannot seem to find ANY sources online except for MSDN DirectX, but their method does not work for OpenGL.

void Matrix4::setupProjectionMatrixWH(float w, float h, float zNear, float zFar)
	m[0] = 2*zNear/w;
	m[1] = 0;
	m[2] = 0;
	m[3] = 0;

	m[4] = 0;
	m[5] = 2*zNear/h;
	m[6] = 0;
	m[7] = 0;

	m[8] = 0;
	m[9] = 0;
	m[10] = -(zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
	m[11] = -1;

	m[12] = 0;
	m[13] = 0;
	m[14] = -(2.0f * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
	m[15] = 0;

I think m[10] and m[14] are calculated correctly, but I’m not sure about m[0] and m[5].

OpenGL 2.0 specification, page 45. (chapter 2.11.2)

I just downloaded the specification:

And nowhere is your reference to my problem. What link did you look at?

Well, it’s page 59 if you start counting from the cover…

Just build a glFrustum out of it; left and right are +/-viewWidth/2.0, top and bottom are +/- viewHeight/2.0.