Hey, I want to query and find out how much order wil opengl allow me to specify in my glMap1() and I specify the function as :

GLint* ptr ;
::glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER , ptr) ;

Just after using the glMap1() and enabling the GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3, i use the glGetIntegerv() and the program crashes at this function at IALMGICD.dll with some address access violation.

Can anyone tell me on how to get the max. order possible to specify?




You are giving the function incorrect parameters. It expects address of the GLint where the result should be stored and you are giving it a random address instead. You need to use

GLint value ;
::glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER, &value) ;

oh yeah…i get my mistake…I get the max order is 32…isnt 32 control points kinda limmiting? I mean what if you need to specify more than that number of control points?

Originally posted by <infinitecmdz>:
I mean what if you need to specify more than that number of control points?
In that case you have to write your own evaluator.

got ya…thanx for your replies…