Newbie question on learning GL and writing in the most portable way.

Hello all,
Please forgive the fact that I am newbie to OpenGL programming (though not to programming in general). I would like to know how you think I should get started with developing OpenGL on Mac OS X.2. I have read all of apple’s documentation (which is rather limited), and I’m starting to get a handle on things, but I still have some questions. First and most important, how can I devlop in the most portable manner (i.e. not depending on Apple’s extensions)? I would like my friends to be able to port to their preferred unices (irix, linux, the bsds …). Also, what books would you reccomend I get? Many examples won’t work on Mac OS X.
Thanks for your time (and patience!),
Harold Martin
cocoadev TA earthlink TOD net

First you could start with the GLUT library, it is supported by most common platforms.
Glut takes care basic window, keyboard and mouse functions, using glut you don’t have care about OS type calls.

SDL is another good crossplatform library, it has sound and video support in it.

Originally posted by
Hello all,
Please forgive the fact that I am newbie to OpenGL programming (though not to programming in general). I would like to know how you think I should get started with developing OpenGL on Mac OS X.2. I have read all of apple’s documentation (which is rather limited), and I’m starting to get a handle on things, but I still have some questions. First and most important, how can I devlop in the most portable manner (i.e. not depending on Apple’s extensions)? I would like my friends to be able to port to their preferred unices (irix, linux, the bsds …). Also, what books would you reccomend I get? Many examples won’t work on Mac OS X.
Thanks for your time (and patience!),
Harold Martin
cocoadev TA earthlink TOD net