custom routines and MSC++

I have been getting back into programming after of being out of it for a few year’s.
I want to seperate my routines into diffrent .cpp files and use my own .h files.

I am using the code from nehe site to setup the window and opengl setup code.
The problem I am having is passing a structure from my routine.


float x;
float y;
float z;
int dir_x;
int dir_y;
int dir_z;
// end .h

// mystuff.c

#include “mystuff.h” //defines my structure.

XYZ_BUFFER Check_boundary( XYZ_BUFFER bc )
// check location of object
// change direction if needed
// code not shown but works when in main program.
return( bc )

What is the proper way to access from another my main.c program.
It works when I have it all in one file…

What error message are you getting?

Just guessing, but I noticed that you passed bc by value. You might want to pass by reference:
XYZ_BUFFER Check_boundary( XYZ_BUFFER & bc )

The error message is during linking…
LNK 2001 unresolved external symbol

here is how my routine is defined in my main.c program.

XYZ_BUFFER xyz_object[64];

XYZ_BUFFER Check_boundary(XYZ_BUFFER);

what is the correct way to call a routine
and pass a varible structure from another .c file.

this is a dumb question, but you’re including “mystuff.h” in main.c, right?

and mystuff.h should have a prototype for the function you’re calling in mystuff.c

[This message has been edited by phlake (edited 07-13-2000).]

Originally posted by phlake:
[b]this is a dumb question, but you’re including “mystuff.h” in main.c, right?

and mystuff.h should have a prototype for the function you’re calling in mystuff.c

[This message has been edited by phlake (edited 07-13-2000).][/b]

Yea, I have the mystuff.h in both mystuff.c and main.c

If anyone is interested I can zip the code and e-mail it to you…

I know it has to be something very simple!

Is one file a .cpp and another .c? That can cause linker errors like that, if the call type isn’t explicity indicated.

In your .h try
typedef struct


Alternatively, in your .cpp
change references to XYZ_BUFFER to
‘struct XYZ_BUFFER’.

Originally posted by Troy:
[b]In your .h try
typedef struct


Alternatively, in your .cpp
change references to XYZ_BUFFER to
‘struct XYZ_BUFFER’.[/b]

Ooops… you can see my C background bias…
I notice that this isn’t necessary for C++

So, the second part of phlake’s ‘dumb’
question still applies, does your
.h file include a function prototype?

XYZ_BUFFER Check_Boundary(XYZ_BUFFER bc);

Here is some more code.


typedef struct // this structure definded for the location of each pyramid
float x;
float y;
float z;
int dir_x;
int dir_y;
int dir_z;

// end mystuff.h


#include “mystuff.h”

XYZ_BUFFER check_boundary( XYZ_BUFFER xyz_ptr )

if ((xyz_ptr.x > 2.0f) | (xyz_ptr.x < -2.0f))
xyz_ptr.dir_x = xyz_ptr.dir_x * -1;

if ((xyz_ptr.y > 2.0f) | (xyz_ptr.y < -2.0f))
xyz_ptr.dir_y = xyz_ptr.dir_y * -1;

if ((xyz_ptr.z > 6.0f) | (xyz_ptr.z < -6.0f))
xyz_ptr.dir_z = xyz_ptr.dir_z * -1;

return( xyz_ptr );

// end mystuff.cpp

// part of the code of pyramid.cpp (main)

XYZ_BUFFER xyz_buffer[64]; // this is the location varible for each pyramid

XYZ_BUFFER check_boundary( XYZ_BUFFER ); // define my routine

check_boundary(xyz_buffer[63]); // how I call my routine.

//end pyramide.cpp

what you think???

I have got the program to work now, thanks for the input.
