Clipping volume???


I want to know what the last two parameters


If I want to know the accurate depth value,

how do i set the near and far value?

The larger the difference of near and far is,
Is the depth value the more accurate???

this is prolly discused in the faq but basically u want to push the near plane out as far as possible

this is prolly discused in the faq but basically u want to push the near plane out as far as possible
i should mention to get an acuarate near/far planes just measure the distances of all your objects in the scene and use the nearest one to the camera minus its bounding sphere as a near plane and the furtherest as a far plane

The less the distance between the far plane and the near plane, the more precision you get. Think about it, a larger distance between the planes means a larger distance between each possible combination of the number in the depthbuffer.

A near plane at 0 and a far plane at 64000 will end up in approx. one unit of space for each combination in a 16-bit depthbuffer. If you instead place the far plane at 128000, you will have 2 units of space between each combination (=worse precision).

So, to sum it, keep the distance as small as possible. And remember, it’s the RELATIVE distance that matters.