move a object withoud gltranslate

if i modify the matrix ( glTranslatef), i move through all the objects in the glut window, but may i move THE OBJECTS without use the matrix?

In the end everything is put in the matrix().

You can do matrix math to do a translation with out using glTranslate, if that is what you are looking for.

I think you movement problem is you lack of understanding for how opengl works.

It is very simple, to move a object without moving others by using glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix.

glTranslatef(…); // move this object only
glRotatef(…); // rotate this object only



draw other objects that are not moving.

Originally posted by XNEON:
if i modify the matrix ( glTranslatef), i move through all the objects in the glut window, but may i move THE OBJECTS without use the matrix?