drawing 3D object

what is the best way to draw 3D objects like
cylinder or pyramid
and how can i do so ?

Your question is a bit vague. You mean draw arbitary 3d objects with OpenGL?

You could define the verticies by hand or formula and feed them to OpenGL using the immediate mode, a displaylist or a VBO. You could also generate the mesh using a 3d editor and write/use a loader that uses one of the above methods to use the object inside OpenGL.

I recommend VBO’s but for a beginner I would recommend a learning curve going from the immediate mode over displaylists to VBO’s.

I propably missed something but I am sure someone else will remind me of that.

Depends on what you are trying to do.

For simple object, you can use premade ones from the glu and glut library’s.

Originally posted by <uk78>:
what is the best way to draw 3D objects like
cylinder or pyramid
and how can i do so ?