c++ builder

is it possible to make good games in c++ builder. if so can sime one give me links to good sites and tips because i’m finding it really hard. if not can some one recommend a good compiler to use

I am assuming that you mean the Borland Builder package?? It is totally possible to make good games using BB++.

I use a combination of Borland C++ 5.02 and Borland Builder as my development packages, with a tendance to ignore BB and stick with the standard BC compiler.
http://nehe.gamedev.net has tutorials on openGL programming, most of which have been ported (read: Test Compiled, since the code is pretty much the same…) to a Borland Builder project package.

Other options are:
http://www.bloodshed.nu : The bloodshed ide which includes a quite good c/c++ compiler (port of GCC I think)

Buy Andre LaMothe’s Secrets of Windows Game Programming Guru’s, which includes a student version of MS Visual C++ on the cd

Get a copy of djgpp, and code in notepad.

So there are a few ideas for COMPILERS. Having said that, it really doesn’t make that much of a difference what compiler or ide you use. The most important thing to any programming is a knowledge of the language you are trying to write the game in. Since games programming is mostly HARD math and boolean logic, I would suggest that before you go out spending a fortune on the tools (which are all pretty much the same, give or take a few features), read and learn as much about games programming as you can.

A few games programming sites.
http://www.gamedev.net : Lots of tutorials on games programming
http://jove.prohosting.com/~uglysoft/ : mu site. Not much there at the moment, but a few bits and peices that may be of some use.


Go to your local library or college and read some books on Program design and Programming.

Games programming is hard. Not impossible, but not super easy. Start from the start.

Good Luck


Originally posted by natknowles:
is it possible to make good games in c++ builder. if so can sime one give me links to good sites and tips because i’m finding it really hard. if not can some one recommend a good compiler to use

Yeah i use C++Builder… you can use the VCL, but it’s slow…

Click on new, and console app, then Wingui console in your project settings… Get rid of the VCL…

Now you can start typeing…
Also you have to include this line
#include <float.h>

int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR CmdLine, int CmdShow )
_control87( MCW_EM, MCW_EM );
. /* Rest of code */

What that does is to disabled floating point exceptions..... Which is common with the borland compilers...

Be on the look out for my OpenGL Windows toolkit....