engine for collisions, volumetric lighting, real reflections

I was wondering if you guys knew of any engines that did volumetric shadows/lighting/fog, accurate collision detection between all objects, real reflections, and vertex normal shading, all in real time.
I’m starting on one myself but I have a long ways to go. I would love to see one in action.

ODE does physics and collision.

Swift, solid, magic3D do collision too.

magic 3D has a great section full of documentation and algorithm.

[This message has been edited by oliii (edited 04-04-2003).]

Real reflections in real time?

Don’t exactly understand what you are trying to do. If you are trying to do STENCILED MIRRORS on EVERY surface which is reflective… I guess you will have ugly performance. Very ugly.

If you mean using render-to-cubemap to update cubemapped reflections, this is good. Good luck with your project but remember that an engine needs far more than just itself.