vertex arrays

i’m having trouble imlementing vertex arrays. I want to use vertex arrays to draw whole polygons at once (triangle).
this is the structure i use for vertices:

class sfVector

float x,y,z;

normal3d normal;
tex      texture;

sfVector(float a, float b, float c)
x = a;
y = b;
z = c;



// Dot product function : overloaded multiplication operator
float operator* (const sfVector &vec)
	return (x * vec.x + y * vec.y + z * vec.z);

// Cross Product funtion : overloaded remainder operator
sfVector operator% (const sfVector &vec) const
	return (sfVector(y * vec.z - z * vec.y, z * vec.x - x * vec.z, x * vec.y - y * vec.x));

// Vector addition function : overloaded addition operator
sfVector operator+ (const sfVector &vec) const
	return (sfVector(x + vec.x, y + vec.y, z + vec.y));

//Vector addition function : overloaded subtract operator 
sfVector operator- (const sfVector &vec) const
	return(sfVector(x - vec.x, y - vec.y, z - vec.z));

/* sfVector& normalize()
return (this /= sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z));

//Modulus/ vector length function
float mod()
	return float(sqrt((pow(x,2)) + (pow(y,2)) + (pow(z,y)) ));


and then i use std::vector <sfVector> CVectorArray
Is it possible to use vertex arrays with this type of structure? all my attempts have failed. help is very much welcome.

May I suggest this book ?
And also these tutorials .