3D-Card existing?

Be anough to say:

h_RC := wglCreateContext(h_DC);
if (h_RC = 0) then {3D-Card existing}
else {3D-Card not existing}

at least:

wglMakeCurrent(h_DC, 0);

Is there a nother way to find out?

Originally posted by Tux:
[b]Be anough to say:

h_RC := wglCreateContext(h_DC);
if (h_RC = 0) then {3D-Card existing}
else {3D-Card not existing}

at least:

wglMakeCurrent(h_DC, 0);

Is there a nother way to find out?[/b]

No, there is no way to know if a 3d acceleration is available. opengl doesnt care. You can use d3d and device capabilities and that will tell you if the device supports certain features. opengl can run completly in software (that’s what opengl32.dll is for on windows)

PS: everyone has a 3d accelerator now.
