Vsync... disable it with code?

Hey, I always remember seeing in my videocard setting that you can have vsync “on by default”… well, how do I change it off, since there is a default, it should be able to be changed…
I’m using glut to do my window managing(looked through the docs to see if it had a function, didnt have much luck) and I’m working under win2k(although I’d like a platform independent solution)…

You’ll have to check if there is this extension: WGL_EXT_swap_control
However I think that every opengl32.dll has this, but thisi is very platform dependant!
This is the code where I disable vsync…
‘message’ is a function that writes in a file for debug, you can remove it.

wglSwapIntervalEXT=( BOOL (APIENTRY*)(int) )wglGetProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT");
if (wglSwapIntervalEXT!=NULL) {
	message("Vsync disabled (wglSwapIntervalEXT)

else {
message("Vsync unchanged (wglSwapIntervalEXT not found)
