Starting stereo II

Part II of my stereo adventures led me to buy an Oxygen VX1 stereo bundle from 3dLabs. Unfortunately, the glasses wouldn’t flicker and programs I downloaded wouldn’t work. They haven’t answered my question about the problem yet. Can you help?
I downloaded oglplane.exe from
and it gave the error message:
“The current display configuration does not support opengl stereo.”
I also ran ‘fire.dsw’ from VC++6.0 and it ran ( nice graphics! ) but was flat and there was still no flicker.
Also, the same GLUT error as before occurs when I run a simple program in console mode that has the line: glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE|GLUT_RGB|GLUT_STEREO);
which was: “GLUT:FATAL ERROR: Pixel Format with necessary capabilities not found.”
My monitor is set to 100hz.
Any simple, stupid things I’m doing/not doing? OK, complex stupid things are also of interest…

Have you enabled stereo in the drivers? Do it through the advanced display control panel. It’s burried kind of deep, something like: display properties->settings->advanced->3dlabs->advanced->opengl support->advanced->stereo view support.

I’m using the 3dlabs GVX1 for stereo using Stereographics CrystalEyes glasses with no problems.

NFI about pc consumer level stereo stuff (i’m guessing that buying an Onyx is out of your price range?=), but it sounds very likley that the card has a limited range of pixel formats that support stereo (which is very likely, after all). You’ll need to check some kind of reference to find what graphics mode also support stereo… i mean, you could be limited to 640x480x16bpp in stereo in full screen, for example.

Check to see the pixel modes of the card, make sure you config a stereo compatiable mode. <shrugs helplessly beyond that>


I’m not sure about the VX1, but I run my GVX1 in stereo mode at 1024x768 @100 Hz and it works great.

Incidentally, about the only place an Onyx is outperforming a good PC with a good graphics card these days is on applications where the shared memory of the Onyx comes into play. More and more the people in my research lab are moving away from SGI machines to PCs.

Elsa actually has a little beta program for finding out what settings will work with their glasses, it ‘might’ work for you as well. try the link below, or go to go to the download section and list all downloads for the revelator.


Thanks JoeMac!
I downloaded the from the Elsa site and ran it. It said Grafikkarte: with nothing after it, Grafikchip: unbekannt, and Monitor: Viewsonic G771 ( which is correct ). Below it were Green, Yellow and Red faces with empty white edit-boxes beneath each. What does that tell me?

I would say the tool only works on ELSA graphics boards.
BTW, the so called consumer level stereo is internal to the drivers and generates stereo images from monoscopic 3D command streams automagically.
GLUT_STEREO won’t give you a pixelformat for this. GLUT_STEREO is only useful for OpenGL implementations which support quadbuffered stereo.
There might be ways with special hardware connected to the monitor plug to get a stereo shutter glass synced from a non-stereo OpenGL implementation, but all I know need fullscreen then and use some weird interlace or above-below methods.

in terms of rendering performance per monetary unit, then I agree—the onyx is looking a bit sore. Actually, its rendering architecture is argubaly in need of an upgrade… the onyx3000 is only the IR3 and seems to be a minor (?!) upgrade on the IR2 (with larger 3D texture memory and some other stuff!?!)

but… then again, you’re buying the ccNUMA architecture with the Onyx, which IS better than the PC. So, you can have a seriously kick-ass onyx3000 system if you’re prepared to take a large slice of the USA federal budget.


I think that program was (supposedly) designed to work with non elsa cards, and it does work with my Asus TnT2. The boxes beneath the faces are supposed to tell you the resolutions that will work with stereo; it’s not a good sign that they are blank. The only other program I saw that gives a hint to resolutions was the Scitech ‘GLDirect’ (I think I gave a link earlier). The only prob with that one was that it was only giving me options for 8 bit colour.
As far as Glut_Stereo, I wouldn’t know, I’ve had all my successes setting pixel_format myself with PFD_STEREO enabled. Then draw using glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK_LEFT); and glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK_Right); So from a programming view, its Quad-buffer. (whether the driver cheats a little or not).
Other than that, I’ve never owned an Oxygen, so my experience is limited.