S.O.S. Please


Does anyone know where I can get a complete “working” example on clipping a 3D-image which ONLY uses “gl” and/or “glu” routines and not other advanced ones such as “glut” (like the one given in the OpenGL Manual thet clips a “glutWireSphere”)?

My greatest appreciation for taking me out of my frustration.

I wouldn’t exactly call glut “advanced.” It’s primarily just a way of creating your window in a system-independent way, along with a few drawing routines thrown in.

For that example you mentioned, glutWireSphere has nothing at all to do with clipping. It is only used as an easy way to draw something so that you see the effects of the clipping. You could replace that line with stuff to draw a sphere using the GLUquadrics stuff, which is all glut uses for it’s spheres, anyway.

With many thanks for your reply,

My problem is that I am using VB and trying to apply glClipPlane to the Cube example (that I have got it from “Code Examples”) but NOTHING HAPPENS!!

Based on the example (which is clipping the WireSphere), what I had to do was to add just two lines :

glClipPlane GL_CLIP_PLANE0, myPlane

with myPlane being an array initialized to :
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -Wd2/2.0

in order to chop off half the cube on the X-Axis.

I’ve even tried all other three combinations of plus/minus on 1.0 and Wd2/2.0 and still NOTHING!

Can you please tell me what is missed out?

With my greatest appreciation.

More code might be useful. You should also be aware of this:

From MSDN:

The glClipPlane function specifies a half-space using a four-component plane equation. When you call glClipPlane, equation is transformed by the inverse of the modelview matrix and stored in the resulting eye coordinates. Subsequent changes to the modelview matrix have no effect on the stored plane-equation components. If the dot product of the eye coordinates of a vertex with the stored plane equation components is positive or zero, the vertex is in with respect to that clipping plane. Otherwise, it is out.

Especially the part about the modelview matrix. What is your modelview matrix like at the time you call glClipPlane?

One other thing, when do you call that with respect to the window being initialized? It’s been awhile since I worked with OpenGL in VB. I can’t remember if the window context is initialized at the time of the Form_Load, yet or not. I do know that until there is an OpenGL context created, no OpenGL function will succeed.

[This message has been edited by Deiussum (edited 01-27-2003).]

Thanks again for your kind help.
What I have is a simple 3D-Plotting program that draws 3 rectangles on X-Y, X-Z and Y-Z Planes respectively (Their corner cordinates are:
X-Y Rectangle: (0,0,0) - (10,20,0)
X-Z Rectangle: (0,0,0) - (10,0,10)
Y-Z Rectangle: (0,10,0) - (0,20,20)
(The point-coordinates and rectangle-connections are given via an Input-File)

In this program, I’m also doing XYZ-Rotation based on User-Input for which I am using glLookAt. Moreover, I am drawing a little XYZ-Axis on the bottom-left corner of the screen two show the current “rotation”.

One thing worth noting is that even when I take this XYZ-Axis part out, the problem is still there: NO CLIPPING!

the SIMPLIFIED CODE of the PlotGraph subroutine which does the drawing is as follows:

Public Sub PlotGraph()
Dim W(3, 2) As Single
Dim p(2) As Single
Dim X, Y, Z As Single
Dim i, j, k, m As Integer
Dim A() As Byte
Dim s As String

’ Setup the Clipping Equations
Dim xClip(3) As GLdouble
Dim yClip(3) As GLdouble
Dim zClip(3) As GLdouble
Dim xc, yc, zc As Variant

’ Initialize the Clipping-Plane equations
xc = Array(1#, 0#, 0#, -5#)
yc = Array(0#, 1#, 0#, -5#)
zc = Array(0#, 0#, 1#, -5#)

For i = 0 To 3
xClip(i) = xc(i)
yClip(i) = yc(i)
zClip(i) = zc(i)

'Initialize the Graphics
glMatrixMode mmModelView
glScalef 0.01, 0.01, 0.01

glClear clrColorBufferBit + clrDepthBufferBit

’ Draw the XYZ-Axis at the bottom-left croner
glTranslatef -80, -60, 0

If xRot = 0 And zRot = 0 Then
gluLookAt xRot, yRot, zRot, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 1#
gluLookAt xRot, yRot, zRot, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 1#, 0#
End If
glRGB 255, 0, 0
glBegin bmLines
glVertex3f 0, 0, 0
glVertex3f 10, 0, 0
glTranslatef 10#, 0#, 0#
s = “X”
glListBase myFont - 32
ReDim A(0 To Len(s) + 1)
StringToByteArray A, s
glScalef 4#, 4#, 4#
glCallLists Len(s), GL_BYTE, A(0)

glRGB 0, 255, 0
glBegin bmLines
glVertex3f 0, 0, 0
glVertex3f 0, 10, 0
glTranslatef 0#, 10#, 0#
s = “Y”
glListBase myFont - 32
ReDim A(0 To Len(s) + 1)
StringToByteArray A, s
glScalef 4#, 4#, 4#
glCallLists Len(s), GL_BYTE, A(0)

glRGB 0, 0, 255
glBegin bmLines
glVertex3f 0, 0, 0
glVertex3f 0, 0, 10
glTranslatef 0#, 0#, 10#
s = “Z”
glListBase myFont - 32
ReDim A(0 To Len(s) + 1)
StringToByteArray A, s
glScalef 4#, 4#, 4#
glCallLists Len(s), GL_BYTE, A(0)

SwapBuffers frmDisplay.hDC

’ Draw the Rectangles

If xRot = 0 And zRot = 0 Then
gluLookAt xRot, yRot, zRot, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 1#
gluLookAt xRot, yRot, zRot, 0#, 0#, 0#, 0#, 1#, 0#
End If

glMatrixMode mmProjection

For i = 1 To bIndx
For j = 0 To 3
W(j, 0) = points(boxes(i, j), 0)
W(j, 1) = points(boxes(i, j), 1)
W(j, 2) = points(boxes(i, j), 2)
Call Quadratic(W)
Next '1 to bIndx

glClipPlane cpClipPlane0, xClip
glEnable glcClipPlane0
glClipPlane cpClipPlane1, yClip
glEnable glcClipPlane1
glClipPlane cpClipPlane2, zClip
glEnable glcClipPlane2


SwapBuffers frmDisplay.hDC


End Sub

Sub Quadratic(W() As Single)

glVertex3f W(0, 0), W(0, 1), W(0, 2)
glVertex3f W(1, 0), W(1, 1), W(1, 2)
glVertex3f W(2, 0), W(2, 1), W(2, 2)
glVertex3f W(3, 0), W(3, 1), W(3, 2)
glBegin GL_QUADS
glVertex3f W(0, 0), W(0, 1), W(0, 2)
glVertex3f W(1, 0), W(1, 1), W(1, 2)
glVertex3f W(2, 0), W(2, 1), W(2, 2)
glVertex3f W(3, 0), W(3, 1), W(3, 2)

End Sub

As it shows, I am using three 1D-Arrays (xClip, yClip & zClip) to clip the entire graph with three planes: X=5, Y=5 and Z=5 (or I am trying to!) BUT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS AT ALL!

My best guess is that I am missing some other “parts” (i.e. sub/func calls) and/or maybe the order/placement of my calls are not correct.

With my highest appreciation for your help.

For i = 1 To bIndx
For j = 0 To 3
W(j, 0) = points(boxes(i, j), 0)
W(j, 1) = points(boxes(i, j), 1)
W(j, 2) = points(boxes(i, j), 2)
Call Quadratic(W)
Next '1 to bIndx

glClipPlane cpClipPlane0, xClip
glEnable glcClipPlane0
glClipPlane cpClipPlane1, yClip
glEnable glcClipPlane1
glClipPlane cpClipPlane2, zClip
glEnable glcClipPlane2

Here’s yor problem. You are setting up the clip plane after you call the Quadratic function, which is doing your drawing. OpenGL is a state machine, which means that when you set the state, things done afterwards will take that state into effect. Since your clip planes aren’t setup at the time of drawing, it doesn’t affect anything.

However since it doesn’t appear you disable them anywhere, I would guess that if you were to cause the scene to redraw itself (for instance resizing the window, minimizing, restoring, etc.) that you might see the effect of the clipping.

With many thanks again for your kind help,
unfortunately I have tried many differrent “arrangements” (including the one that you’ve kindly suggested) but NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.

I have even tried many variations with glMatrixMode mmModelView and/or mmProjection as well as glPushMatrix/glPopMatrix commands and still NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!!!

While I am very much in debt for your kindness, I’ll be more than happy to send you the complete program (and the associated data file from which it reads the cordinates and the poit-connections) to see why I am so frustrated!?!?

Thanks again.

Sure, go ahead and send it. My e-mail is in my profile. I can’t guarantee how soon I’ll get a chance to look at it, but I’ll try to take a look within the next couple of days.