Opening a Window w/o Borders

Is there way to open a window without the border or at least without the bit at the top?

I’m using CreatWindow with the WS_VISIBLE flag set only, but it still acts like WS_CAPTION is set. How can I affect this?


Check out the new NeHe base code.

Have you tried WS_POPUP ?

Probably, but I’ll try again!

where do you find this NeHe base code?

Originally posted by mv:
[b]Probably, but I’ll try again!

where do you find this NeHe base code?[/b] - The best begginers opengl site!!!

Thanks, guys. Got it to work and finally got fullscreen going as well.

One question still remains: Is there a real full screen mode? I mean, one where SwapBuffers really SWAPS the buffers rather than doing a byte copy? I can see where a windowed app might be prohibited from messing with video ram directly, but what about a full screen program?