In your opinion what is the best and most advanved free game engine based on OpenGL?

Ok, I got a hold of Quake 2 code.
I’m also looking for a free, open source game engine, that is most advanced visually and hopefully includes things like AI and physics.
I think it would be great to learn from.
I’ve searched the google, but it seems that there are hundreds of them.
Hopefully there are only a few ones up to date, OpenGL, open sources, with great graphics, AI and physics?
Thanks again,

Sadly, most of the popular open source engines like Ogre and Crystal Space have fairly crap OpenGL code. There’s a free engine called Nebula Device by radon labs that I think has OpenGL support. That might be good but I haven’t looked at the source. You might also look into

you may take a look at the Ogl engine of Mcad ( - Mcad (and Ogl) 1.4 is freeware and one may even learn something of it

stay tuned and have fun


i looked at when i was at work yesterday and read all about it and was excited about trying it out… then when i get home, the website was down, and is still down. is there somewhere else i can find it? preferrably their actual unedited version