How to start a job?

Hi all,
I would like to write a program to manage virtual warehouse, so at the beginning I need to draw (design) warehouse itself, shelves etc. What program may I use (CAD or something?) to get readable by OpenGL application data?

You gave too short description to answer your question more precisely. Any application that is able to export to common object format is good for your objects preparation. Before you choose object format think about its destiny in your application (how to import such a data, preserve it in memory, interact with the rest of your virtual world, etc.)

As Joyer says you need to plan your application more. OpenGL does not explicitly support a specific object format so you will still need to load, manipulate and render your data.

There are so many possibilities on how you can approach this e.g. write it all yourself, use an existing engine. For example I use a simple free 3D designed called delgine to draw my objects and get the list of vertices and textures into my program. The rest I code myself.
