How to use gluScaleImage() ?

I want to use gluScaleImage() to make my textures smaller.
But how do I use it?
This is what I does:

gluScaleImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Image->Width, Image->Height,
ColorType, Image->Data, 64,
64, ColorType, Image->Data)

And it gives me an error.
Does the ratio matter?
I do this after loading my TGA and before loading the data up to OGL.
Thanks for any advice.

Check out some documentation about gluScaleImage. First parameter is wrong. And don’t pass the same pointer for in and out image. Allocate a new buffer for the scaled image.

Thanks for the hint!
I’ll check it out!

Thanks again, works fine.

[This message has been edited by B_old (edited 04-25-2003).]