is it possible to link a compile a dll file witha ini file to produce a complete dll?

i wanna know if it is possible to link a compile a .dll file with a .ini file to produce a complete dll file. If so how would i do this?

Hi !

Not sure where the OpenGL question is…

Anyway, you can put any file you want into a dll file, you just include it in the resource section (the .rc file).


i juss add it to tha resource section of tha opengl32.dll to make it load a few settings that i want it to load??

Hi !

You asked if you could add an .ini file to the .dll, and you can do that if you put it as a resource, then it will be linked into the dll, if you have an ini file and just wants to read from it, then I guess should should have it on the side, I am not sure I understand your problem…
