Large bitmaps as textures

I’m trying to use the images of the earth from this site:
as a texture on a sphere around which things happen. I’m using the features of ClassGL to load the JPG image into a texture.

The problem is that when the image is more than 1024px on any dimension it fails to display. Is this a limitation of OpenGL or my hardware or Windows or…?

There is a hardware specific limitation, and you can get it with glGetInteger and GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE. If you need larger textures then maybe you can split the texture into smaller parts.

Many thanks. I wondered if there was a way of using multiple small textures on a single quadric object, but haven’t discovered a method of doing so yet. Can you point me to an example or tutorial please?

Before you program too much you might want to check out Blue Marble Viewer. I think it pretty much does what you’re trying to do…

Many thanks for that link. From there I have found OpenSceneGraph and Demeter Terrain Engine, which looks very useful for the next stage of the project when I start to include terrain data.

Regards, Mark