Display of NURBS curves / surfaces

Can anyone explain how NURBS curves / surfaces are displayed in OpenGL. I have already written code to generate the control points, order, knot vectors and parameter ranges but do not know which OpenGL functions to use to draw the curves and surfaces.

Originally posted by m_dresser:
Can anyone explain how NURBS curves / surfaces are displayed in OpenGL. I have already written code to generate the control points, order, knot vectors and parameter ranges but do not know which OpenGL functions to use to draw the curves and surfaces.

I have some freeware on the web which will interactively generate OpenGL programs. This includes NURB surfaces of revolution and extrusion. The URL is http://www.cs.luc.edu/~gm/glrex/glrexhome.html.
If you just want to look at the code I use to display nurbs you could also look at www.cs.luc.edu/~gm/glrex/aux1/nurb.h. The programming style is not great but maybe it will help.