Unresolved error!


Im really ticked of at borland. Fix on problem then boom another just comes in…

The problem is that it is a linker error :

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutSwapBuffers’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutReshapeWindow’ referenced from

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutInit’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutInitDisplayMode’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutInitWindowSize’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutCreateWindow’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutFullScreen’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutDisplayFunc’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutReshapeFunc’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutKeyboardFunc’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutSpecialFunc’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

Error: Error: Unresolved external ‘glutMainLoop’ referenced from C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\TRY\TRY.OBJ

I would appreciate your help

sorry about the lenght of this message

I don’t use borland, but it seems simple enough… you are not including glut32.lib (?) in your compilation (linking)… I am not sure where to get this file… as I use VC and I am pretty sure the VC and borland versions are incompatible… but do a search for borland on this board and I am sure you will get your answer…