error donno how to fix


I need some help I’m getting this error and I’m not sure how to fix it.

“GLUT: Fatal Error in C:\project\Debug\anim.exe: failed to create OpenGL rendering context.
Press any key to continue”

I’ve installed all the appropriate OpenGL, glut, and glui stuff on vs c++


It means it your video card or drivers do not support how you are opening a openGL window.

What settings are you using when calling this: glutInitDisplayMode?

Originally posted by <nornor>:

I need some help I’m getting this error and I’m not sure how to fix it.

“GLUT: Fatal Error in C:\project\Debug\anim.exe: failed to create OpenGL rendering context.
Press any key to continue”

I’ve installed all the appropriate OpenGL, glut, and glui stuff on vs c++


thanks! :smiley: