Hello and a couple of questions

Hello all I am new to the forum.

I have some basic knowledge of how to program in C (NOT C++ I tried to learn it but gave up it just did not make sense to me) and in java. I use LCC for C programming( what little I do) and JCreator for Java programing. I want to learn how to use the Opengl library primarily becasue it is the graphic API used but my favorite 3d creation and animation program, blender.

So keep in mind that you will be talking to a person whose programming experiances are rooted in the DOS world. But that is willing to learn. IF you explain it very SSSSLLLLOOOOWWWLLLLYYYY and CCCLLLLEEEAAARRRLLLYYYY

I dont understand what you are asking for. Are you asking for someone to explain openGL to you

I use Lcc-win32 compiler and write openGL programs in C.

My Website: http://www.angelfire.com/linux/nexusone/

This post was an introduction of who I am and my background and experiances. That is why it said “you will be talking to a person”
Emphasis on the words “WILL BE” as in future tense.

Originally posted by mdog1234:
I dont understand what you are asking for. Are you asking for someone to explain openGL to you

java is closely related to C++, so if you know java, you basically know C++. (at least classes)
