OpenGL and windows NT

I have just written a game using OpenGL and I was wondering the steps I need to take to port it over to the winnt enviroment.

PS. It works fine in Windows 98

Did you use GLUT, the Win32 API, or another method (please specify)?

Porting from Win98 to NT should be no problem at all. Things to watch out for…

  • Passing NULL SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pointers works fine in Win98, but sometimes not for NT

  • Using DirectX in any way could cause problems if you are targetting for NT 4. Win2k (which is based on NT) should have no problem with this.

Ok, Im not using GLUT; its strictly winAPI. One serious problem that Im encountering with windows 2k/ME is that the keyboard isnt functional. Im using a standard message loop… Im looking for WM_KEYUP’s and WM_KEYDOWN’s. It works fine in the windows 95/98 enviroment though. It almost appears as if my OpenGL window doesnt have the focus. Has anyone ran into this problem?

You might want to adapt DirectInput for your keyboard input with a game. It is much faster than using message loops, and responds equally as well on win98 or NT.

Originally posted by Ciphersoftware:
Ok, Im not using GLUT; its strictly winAPI. One serious problem that Im encountering with windows 2k/ME is that the keyboard isnt functional. Im using a standard message loop… Im looking for WM_KEYUP’s and WM_KEYDOWN’s. It works fine in the windows 95/98 enviroment though. It almost appears as if my OpenGL window doesnt have the focus. Has anyone ran into this problem?

GetAsynchKeyState() is faster still, and also works with both.