
i want to specify input values in screen coords but don’t know how about depth.
what is the range for this value assuming 16-bit depth buffer?
i tried 0-65535 but it didn’t work

is this command slower than glVertex3f ? - are shorts internally converted to floats?


The depthrange depends on how you setup your viewing volume. It’s the two last arguments in glOrtho/glFrustum/gluPerspective (depending on which one you use to setup projection matrix) that determine the depthrange. It doesn’t matter what function you use, glVertexs, glVertexf, they all work the same. And the number of bits in the depthbuffer got nothing to do with the depthrange, only the resolution of the buffer.

And for speed, I think using floats should be fastest, even though it can’t be that much difference unless you pass loads of vertices.

thnx very much!
silly me, i’ve completly forgotten about glOrtho (

i have another question about parameters to glTexCoords4s
using floats i specify glTexCoords4f( s/z, t/z 0.0, 1/z)
but what in case of shorts ?