
Dudes, can i use Pop/PushWindow to toggle FullScreen / Windowed ? we have the glutFullScreen() but since there’s only glutCreateWindow() can we push the inital window and then call the popwindow in order to toggle?

I don’t think that push/pop Window will do it, but I know that glutReshapeWindow or glutPositionWindow will disable fullscreen mode.

if (fullscreen)
}else glutReshapeWindow( window_size_x, window_size_y ); // just have a variable hold the last window size to return to.

Originally posted by KeSh:
Dudes, can i use Pop/PushWindow to toggle FullScreen / Windowed ? we have the glutFullScreen() but since there’s only glutCreateWindow() can we push the inital window and then call the popwindow in order to toggle?