Colors changing problem

Hi, this is a problem which has been plaguing me for quite some time now… Hope someone can help me?

I have a code that draws 2 objects based on condition ‘a’.If ‘a’ is 1, it draws the first object, if ‘a’ is 2, it draws the second object. ‘a’ toggles every now and then from 1 to 2.

These are 4 observations I made.

1)If object 1 is drawn alone, there is no problem.

2)If object 2 is drawn alone, the color of object 2 is different from what I expected. (it seems more brown than orange)

3)If object 1 is drawn first, followed by object 2, there is no problem.

4)If object 2 is drawn first followed by object 1, the color of object 2 is the same as condition (2), meaning it is more brown than orange.

Below is my code in this area, pls help!!

static GLfloat color[8][3]=
{ //red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,
//light blue, black
{1.0f,0.0f,0.0f},{1.0f,0.5f,0.0f},{1.0f,1.0f,0.0f},{0.0f,1.0f,0.0f},{0.0f,0.0f,1.0f},{0.97f,0.61f,0.96f}, {0.65f,0.8f,0.95f},{0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}

void DrawObject(void)

////in my renderscene function/////

if (a==1)

if (a==2)


Pls help me if you know anything. Thanks!

Hi !

First of all, replace the last glPushMatrix() at the end of each “if” clause to a glPopMatrix(), you are filling up the matrix stack very fast and then you will get weird transformation problems.

Not sure about problem with the colors though, I assume you have all,lighting disabled as you are using glColor… (glDisable( GL_LIGHTING) :wink:

In that case the color should be what you set with glColor…


Hi, Thanks alot!!
Anyway, the PopMatrix was a typo error…heh…Thanks for pointing it out!

Can I check with you, I am using Lighting enabled, and I did not disable Lighting, so do I need to disable Lighting for this problem? (I hope not cause I need the Lighting for certain effects).

Thanks alot!!

Hi !

glColor…() normally only works when lighting is disabled, to set the color when lighting is enabled you could use for example glMaterialfv().


Hi, first of all, Thanks alot for replying!!
but i could not really understand what you meant, do you mind explaining it with more details? Or maybe an example?

I am still not sure about the use of gl Materialfv, can you please enlighten me? thanks!!