openGL in vc 6.0

i’m a beginer with openGL.
how do you set up the environment in vc 6.0 so that you can code openGl is GLUT related to vc?
i have already downloaded the Pre-compiled Win32 for Intel GLUT 3.7 DLLs for Windows 95 & NT . what do i do with this? shouldn’t i compile it and get the glut32.lib file? how do i do this using vc.
in short how do i get started off with this GLUT.

GLUT is library of extra functions not found in the base openGL library.

GLUT is used in place of the standard windows API, so that your program can be crossplatform and not windows dependent.

GLUT has basic windowing functions to create a windows, get keyboad and mouse input.

You must have the GLUT library written for your compiler and OS system.

Nate Robins host the GLUT version for windows and has precompiled librarys for Visual C++ on his website:
He also has a good tutor on how to use GLUT.

Once you download the VC librarys and DLL’s files.
You can copy the glut32.dll to the windows directory and the glut32.lib file to the /lib direcotry inside of visual C++.
Also need to copy the glut.h file to the inlcude/GL directory inside the VC++ folder.

Then just try and compile some sample programs for Nates site.

Originally posted by jesh:
i’m a beginer with openGL.
how do you set up the environment in vc 6.0 so that you can code openGl is GLUT related to vc?
i have already downloaded the Pre-compiled Win32 for Intel GLUT 3.7 DLLs for Windows 95 & NT . what do i do with this? shouldn’t i compile it and get the glut32.lib file? how do i do this using vc.
in short how do i get started off with this GLUT.

thanks a lot nexusone.
i have got all the info i needed and in fact i have started programming and with openGl in vc 6.0.

its a good forum…i’m gonna register now.
